


Gazelle Birch


Freedom what a word only seven letter and yet, people are willing to kill for it. Freedom is seen as a natural right, but it wasn’t always that way. There once was a time in history where kings and queens ruled and freedom of speech, religion, and assembly were not allowed. At a time not long ago America was the same, but after hardships and hard work we triumphed, becoming the country we are today. Even with all the freedoms we have many would say that we are not free. That may not be far from the truth. Freedom is the power or right to act, speak or think, the way one chooses without prosecution. Yet, we see every day in this country people being treated as terrorist for not agreeing with the general populations view. Being segregated for their beliefs because they are not the same. Having conversations monitored and watched our every dark secret out there for anyone to see. I thought we were free so how is this possible? Freedom means nothing if it’s an illusion.

Since the beginning of time America has done ruthless and dirty things to have freedom. For being able to practice whatever religion one choses is fundamental to a thriving country, or is it? We were taught that the pilgrims set sail to live in a world without persecution for their beliefs and that is how America came to be. That is a fairytale. The truth is that People were here a half a century before the pilgrims ever arrived. They just forgot the bloody parts of the tale. Like how the Native Americans were slaughtered for land to make homes for immigrants looking for religious freedom, the Spanish massacre of  the French forces in 1565  where 111 were killed for not converting from their protestant faith. Even today we can see that religious freedom is becoming a thing of the past in America and history is once repeating itself. With Muslims being demonized for not having the Christian faith in a country that supposedly is tolerant of every religion. Freedom of religion is a funny thing for it gives us the right to believe that we are the only ones true, causing use to segregate ourselves into categories. What is freedom of religion if you are in fear of what will happen tomorrow? Freedom of religion means nothing if you have no acceptance.

America is known for individuals having the right to say what they please and not be persecuted. While this may not seem like a big deal to us Americans, but some wish they had the opportunity. There are many countries in the world, who even now have restrictions on what the society is allowed to say. Freedom of speech is an amazing thing, but is being able to say what I please and do what I say treated as the same. Many people would agree that Here in America you must watch what you say. While we do have free speech and we do have the freedom of the press, it isn’t all glitter and gold. Media isn’t what is use to be. Journalist use to look for the truth even if they had to die doing it. Now many are afraid to tell the truth in fear of losing their job. Even the internet, private phone calls, and emails are now monitored; the privacy is gone. For a short time we were able to speak how we wanted. Now if we say one wrong thing we can be thrown in jail, have our civil liberties wiped from us and no one can do a thing. Oh how low we have fallen to the point of no return. Freedom of speech isn’t all bad. While it allows us to discriminate and disrespect others it also allows us to help other learn and grow. Freedom of speech is a tricky thing because you never know who is watching what you say.

Freedom of assembly is amazing. Many historical movements in the world have been marked by the uprising of a people asking for what they feel is right.  Most of the time the result was not pretty. Even in America a checkered past haunts us of the terrible things done to those who assembled violently even peacefully. Take martin Luther king for example. He had a dream that people of all colors could live side by side and be equal. Though he grew up in a segregated world full of hate he still looked towards a positive future. When he assembled peacefully he was ridiculed, thrown in jail, and even beaten by the police themselves. Sadly in our society assembly can be seen as positive or negative by the state depending on what you are protesting against. In 2012 the occupy movement started and people from all around the world stood side by side marching through the streets of DC. While peaceful It didn’t matter, because the streets were blocked and the message was to demolish capitalism America the police came swat ready with tear gas in hand. In America protesting means protesting for what they want you to not what you want to. It shouldn’t be so hard to assemble, papers shouldn’t have to be filled, and people shouldn’t have to put aside their beliefs and right to assemble just because a few papers weren’t filed.

The first amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances;”. So why have we only made laws that do the exact opposite of that. Our founding fathers started this country with an idea. An idea that should have grown into a tree and bloomed, but it was cut down to soon, By general acceptance of certain subject and religious prejudice. Many have forgotten that this country was built off of the blood of other and the dream of freedom. Even now we are considering electing a candidate to run for president who agrees with nothing our country was built on. Who tells stomps of religious freedom and making it a better place? We say were the greatest country in the world, but that is no longer true. A great country does not lie to its population, they do not monitor their every word. A great country does not segregate a certain religion and make them to seem as evil. A great country doesn’t get mad when people say what they want even if it differentiates from what the general population believe. Freedom use to mean something it use to be worth dying for, now it is just a word. While freedom is a great concept it’s a hard one to control because in a world wrapped around the internet and materialistic things, how can we be free if our mind is not free to think creatively? Freedom does not exist anymore.



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